Leah's Tears
Parashat Vayetse, Genesis 28:10-32:3 Rabbi Isaac S. Roussel, Congregation Zera Avraham, Ann Arbor, MI The story of Leah, found in this...
Being a Servant Master
For weeks now we have been reading about Israel’s escape from slavery in Egypt. God sees the plight of His people, calls forth Moshe to...
Praying Loudly
The Rabbis are greatly concerned about our behavior during the Amidah because during this prayer we are before God’s throne. It is a kal...
Taking Miryam's Stance
Our parsha this week includes the splitting of the Red Sea. After Israel walks to the other side and Egypt’s army is swallowed by the...
The Holy Spirit & The New Moon
Our parsha this week is Bo, Exodus 10.1-13.16, where God visits the last three plagues upon Egypt. In the midst of this, God also gives...
Flowers and Buds
A drash on the importance of the process of doing of mitzvot, in addition to the actual completion of them.
Rabbi as Priest & Prophet
We have often discussed in the past that Messiah Yeshua fulfills the role of both prophet and priest. But I have learned over the years...
Graveyard of Cravings
Back in January we read Parshat Beshalach where the people complained that they had no food to eat and God gave them manna. There have...
Princes & Princesses of Peace
Our parsha covers several seemingly unrelated topics. We have the census of the Levites. It then moves to the laws of the sotah, this...
The Value of the Wilderness
Today we begin Sefer Bamidbar, the Book of Numbers. Bamidbar means “in the wilderness” which comes from the opening words of our parsha,...